Tech-and-GO! Funding
Eligible for Tech-and-GO! Funding (terms apply)

Tech-and-GO! Funding Details
Tech-and-GO! Funding aims to make it more affordable for Social Service Agencies (SSAs) to take up IT solutions and project consultancy to digitise data and automate processes.
There are 4 categories of solutions under Tech-and-GO! – Start Digital, Go Digital, Grow Digital, and CCF-ICT Category A (Basic Infrastructure Components).

Claim Up to 80% off JustLogin solutions!
JustLogin is a pre-approved HR Management System under the Start Digital category.
Customise your perfect HR suite since the grant allows for a smaller scope of pre-scoped solutions.
Tech-and-GO! Funding will last for 3 years, covering up to 80% for the first year of adopting JustLogin's HR solutions, and 50% for the second and third year respectively.
For more information on Tech-and GO!, please visit https://go.gov.sg/tng.
For any enquiries on Tech-and-GO!, please contact Tech-and-GO@ncss.gov.sg.
Tech-and-GO! Start Digital Eligibility
Agencies who meet the following criteria qualify for Tech-and-GO! Funding –
You are a National Council of Social Service (NCSS) member, or
Selected non-member SSA endorsed by respective government agency funder/regulator.