Adjustments with Expiry
This feature allows you to adjust each leave types effectively and set expiry date for all leave adjustments.
You may now enable adjustments with expiry on Express. Simply go to Configuration-> Section 5 Advanced Settings-> Tick ‘Enable adjustment with expiry date’. Note that once this feature is enabled, leave module on Classic mode would be disabled and you can only use leave module on JustLogin Express.

To start adjusting leave with expiry dates, go to Administration-> Adjustments-> Select leave type, adjustment days and set the expiry date.
Shift/OT Request
This feature allows your employees to apply for OT ahead and submit for your approval. However, this request is only valid for standard OT hours and not given to weekly OT formula.
Myanmar Payroll (New)
We’re now available in the Myanmar market where payroll calculation has been localized. Stay compliant to SSB Monthly Contribution, SSB File Generation and Income Tax & Tax reconciliation without much hassle.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to JustLogin’s support team: support@justlogin.com