Cost Center Integration with Xero
You may now map each pay element for different cost centers into respective account code and transfer them to Xero. The current cost centers provide a detail mapping of pay elements as compared to earlier version where pay elements are lumped in a group. For Xero integration to work, go to ‘Accounting Software’ tab-> GL Account Code Setup-> Tick the check box on integrate with cost centre-> double tick the checkbox again at final ‘Transfer to Xero’ tab

Duplicate NRIC/FIN Logic Check
To enforce a clean and precise employee database best practice for companies, users can only enter a unique NRIC/FIN number to every employee info. If the same NRIC ID has been keyed into more than 1 employee profile, admin users will encounter the following:

New HK MPF Approved Trustee
For HK users, a new MPF approved trustee ‘Sun Life Trustee Company Limited’ has been added to JustLogin’s system. To view available MPF approved trustees, click Epayroll-> ePayroll > Payroll Setup > Company MPF Trustee List. JustLogin’s system currently has 4 approved MPF trustees namely:
-Sun Life Trustee Company Limited
-HSBC Provident Fund Trustee Limited
-Manulife Provident Funds Trust Company Limited
-AIA Company Trustee Limited
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to JustLogin’s support team: support@justlogin.com