The spread of COVID-19 has been emotionally draining for so many of us, affecting our lives dramatically.
As 2021 arrives, many companies are sticking with work-from-home arrangements, while others pick up the pace by returning to their workplaces once or twice weekly.
No longer are we strangers to the phrase “Scan SafeEntry please” or “take your temperature please”. Scanning SafeEntry QR codes and temperature checks are the new norms and they are here to stay.
Now that we are gradually returning to the office, imagine the struggle of repeated temperature and QR scans throughout the day, clocking in and out via face recognition and thumbprint scanning for office access. It’s a hassle that can potentially lead to poor employee morale and even work performance, which is the last thing we want to see when we finally get to meet our colleagues face to face!
With all these frustrations, how can we make returning to office a pleasant transition for employees?
What is SafeClock?
SafeClock is a modern solution that allows your employees to return to the office safely.
It is fully integrated with the SafeEntry system developed by Singapore GovTech and JustLogin’s HRMS for unifying and tracking employee details. It is the best defense for our business against the transmission of COVID-19.
SafeClock is an all-in-one device that provides the following:
Contactless temperature scanner
Employee attendance management
Integration with SafeEntry
Door access
Visitor management
How does SafeClock benefit your organization?
With the lack of predictability of COVID-19 cases, business owners should remain vigilant and be prepared to maintain a safe environment for our employees.
Here’s a few highlights of what the SafeClock device can do for you:
Face Recognition Attendance Management
Your staff can clock-in and out via facial recognition on SafeClock devices. The timings are recorded in a split second and saved in real-time on the cloud database. You can further monitor the working hours and overtime via attendance reports, and create shifts or roster on the portal effectively.
Temperature Scanning with Mask Detection
Body temperatures are automatically captured and recorded upon entry, working alongside facial recognition for attendance tracking. Upon detection of high body temperatures, the system will immediately alert you through push notification and email, and deny entry right away.
There is always that colleague you know who never wears his/her mask properly. Therefore, mask detection can also be configured to ensure that all staff and visitors are wearing masks properly upon premise entry.
Auto Check-in for SafeEntry and Automated Door Access
SafeClock devices can be integrated with SafeEntry, which automatically helps your employees check in for SafeEntry without manually scanning the QR code.
You can configure door access based on facial recognition, temperature settings, and mask control.
Visitor Management
SafeClock devices will recognize non-registered faces as visitors instantly. Visitors’ photos, body temperature, and time of entry will be captured and reported on the online platform for contact tracing purposes. SafeEntry QR code is shown on the device to prompt visitors to check-in immediately upon entry for better visitor control.
Easy Cloud Configuration
SafeClock devices have been optimized to JustLogin’s complete suite of HR solutions, allowing you to manage device configuration and employee payroll, leave, attendance and expenses seamlessly, all in one platform, even while working from home.
Localized and Adaptive Application
You can upload your premise’s QR code and have it displayed on SafeClock devices, be it for the purpose of SafeEntry (Singapore), MySejahtera (Malaysia), LeaveHomeSafe (Hong Kong), or just about any tracing system your country is using.
SafeClock makes returning to the office easier and smoother
With the help of SafeClock, we hope to mitigate the “dread” of employees heading back to the workplace, streamline entry procedures and safeguard your workplace by combining temperature scanning, mask detection, attendance tracking, SafeEntry registration, and door access, all into one.
Get started on cloud-based HR with JustLogin
JustLogin is a suite of cloud-based HR applications that helps small to mid-sized businesses automate their payroll, leave, attendance, and expense claims. We’ve helped thousands of businesses achieve increased productivity and better employee experience – no matter if they are working from an office, at a restaurant, in a retail shop, at a warehouse facility, or of course, even working from home. Give JustLogin a try today at
About JustLogin
For happy HR, bosses and employees, you want a platform that can help your team remain productive and focused, while providing excellent employee experiences that impresses and retains talent. JustLogin is the HR employee experience platform that delivers both through a comprehensive suite of HR applications.