Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)
Employee Count:

Founded in 1985, AWARE’s mission is to promote women’s rights and gender equality in Singapore. AWARE provides a variety of services such as a helpline for women in need, a Sexual Assault Care Centre as well as education, training and much more.
“We dramatically reduced the time we take to do our payroll. We don’t need to keep entering the same numbers in multiple systems anymore… Every minute that we save allows us to concentrate on doing more things that directly help us to achieve our mission.” – Corinna Lim, Executive Director, AWARE
Business Challenges
For non-profits like AWARE, having a lean team on a lean budget is an everyday reality. AWARE largely relied on manual processes for their back-office operations such as payroll and leave administration because the management team believed that, as a small non-profit organization, automation would have limited benefits and be an expense that is difficult to justify. So AWARE employees used to fill up paper forms and have them signed by their manager before the forms were manually processed. This took up a lot of time and effort. But what prompted the management to seriously consider investing in an automated solution for payroll was when an employee was double-paid. “We caught the error only because the employee told us. We are lucky that we work with such honest people,” Corinna Lim, AWARE’s Executive Director shared.
JustLogin Solutions
After the incident, Lim and the management team reviewed their existing processes and decided that to minimise the risk of making further mistakes in payroll, AWARE would need to invest in an automated system to streamline the payroll process. The organisation shortlisted three vendors, and eventually chose to utilise JustLogin’s Payroll as well as Leave. “l like this solution a lot, and so do our employees,” said Lim. AWARE employees now use JustLogin’s mobile application to apply leave and check their pay slips.
Implementation Results
“We dramatically reduced the time we take to do our payroll. We don’t need to keep entering the same numbers in multiple systems anymore,” said Lim. Payroll processing time has been cut down by about 75%. With Leave, AWARE provided employees a more efficient and easy way to apply for leave. Managers can also approve and keep track of employees’ leave better. Not only did JustLogin make AWARE’s payroll and leave processes more efficient but automating these back-office operations also gave AWARE managers peace of mind because there was less room for human error. Now that the organisation spends less time on paperwork, employees can dedicate more time to tasks that really make a difference. “We really feel the benefits of this software every day,” Lim shared. “Every minute that we save allows us to concentrate on doing more things that directly help us to achieve our mission.”